Evolutionary Astrology with Joe Molloy Shaman Astrologer
Joe Molloy Shaman Astrologer
Understand your Soul's Journey
"A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his or her individual karma. The resulting horoscope is a challenging portrait revealing his or her unalterable past, and its probable future result. But the natal chart can be Rightly interpreted only by women and men of intuitive wisdom: these are few."
Sri Yukteswar
What does your Soul desire? What destiny do you seek? Why do things come to a stop when you are ready to get going? What does your Soul want and why are you here?
As an Astrologer and a Shaman, these are questions I find myself helping my clients to answer all the time.
Evolutionary Astrology helps to reveal the patterns and themes in our lives that are mirrored in the placement of the planets and stars at our birth and through our lives.
My name is Joe Molloy and I will be delighted to help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your life through your birth, natal chart. Not just in this life, but in the past lifetimes that your Soul has experienced as part of its Evolutionary journey.
Our Soul's progress from lifetime to lifetime, learning and growing, evolving through experiencing. Often we find that the day to day events in our lives do not make enough sense to explain them. Making the Soul's journey visible through exploring your birth chart creates a new "map of understanding" that helps us to make sense of the things that have happened and where we are going in our lives.
I have been working for almost 40 years supporting people on their healing and life journeys.
Please use one of the contact forms or simply email me to get in touch and arrange your reading.